How to start running

Week 1

Remember to warm up before running.

  series 1 series 2 series 3 series 4 series 5
  running marching running marching running marching running marching running marching
day 1 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5
1-day break
day 2 1,5 4,5 1,5 4,5 1,5 4,5 1,5 4,5 1,5 4,5
1-day break
day 3 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
2-day break

If you manage to complete the entire day, you can safely proceed to the next one. If you are having a bad day and cannot run the entire training, it will be better for you to repeat the training after a day’s break. There is no need to hurry – regularity is more important than results.


Running and cardiorespiratory fitness

The influence of running on cardiorespiratory fitness has been the subject of many scientific inquiries over the years. This piece aims to delve deep into the existing research on how running, as a form of aerobic exercise, significantly impacts cardiorespiratory health, enhancing physical well-being and increasing longevity. Let us explore the scientific narratives that underscore this relationship.

1. Introduction

Cardiorespiratory fitness, a crucial determinant of overall health, refers to the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to the working muscles during sustained physical activity. Running, as a form of aerobic exercise, is often championed as an efficient way to improve this fitness parameter, given its dynamic engagement of large muscle groups and significant energy expenditure. Research has extensively documented the positive impacts of running on enhancing cardiorespiratory health, which forms the basis of our discussion.

2. Physiological Adaptations

Engaging in regular running induces a host of physiological adaptations in the cardiorespiratory system. Let us explore these scientifically documented adaptations in detail:

  • Increased Cardiac Output: Regular running enhances the heart's capacity to eject a greater volume of blood with each beat, thus improving cardiac output. This adaptation aids in efficiently delivering oxygen and nutrients to various tissues throughout the body.
  • Enhanced Lung Capacity: Running also has been found to increase lung capacity, facilitating improved oxygen uptake and utilization, which is a critical component of endurance training.
  • Improved Vascular Function: Running stimulates the development of new blood vessels and enhances the function of existing ones, aiding in better blood flow and reducing the strain on the heart.

3. Aerobic Capacity and Endurance

One of the vital aspects of cardiorespiratory fitness is aerobic capacity, also known as VO2 max. This parameter denotes the maximum amount of oxygen one can use during intense exercise. Running, particularly at varied intensities, has been shown to increase VO2 max, indicating enhanced aerobic capacity and endurance. Studies have illustrated that individuals engaging in regular running demonstrate higher VO2 max levels compared to non-runners, which is a testament to the aerobic benefits of this exercise form.

4. Disease Prevention and Management

Cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely related to the incidence of various chronic diseases. Research in this area has brought to light the protective role of running in preventing and managing several health conditions. A few highlighted points are:

  • Cardiovascular Diseases: Running helps in reducing the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Diabetes: Regular running has been associated with improved insulin sensitivity, thus playing a role in preventing type 2 diabetes.
  • Obesity: As a high-calorie expenditure activity, running assists in weight management, thereby reducing the risk of obesity and its associated complications.

5. Mental Health Benefits

Aside from physical benefits, running has been linked to enhanced mental health. The cardiorespiratory improvements achieved through running often correlate with improved mood and mental well-being. This is attributed to the release of endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, during running, fostering a positive mental state.

6. Longevity and Quality of Life

Increased cardiorespiratory fitness through running has been linked with enhanced longevity. Research indicates that individuals with higher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness tend to have a lower risk of mortality. Moreover, running aids in maintaining functional mobility and quality of life, especially in older adults, through the preservation of cardiovascular health and muscle mass.

7. Conclusion

In light of the extensive scientific research, it is evident that running harbors numerous benefits for cardiorespiratory fitness. It fosters physiological adaptations that enhance the functioning of the heart and lungs, boosts aerobic capacity and endurance, aids in disease prevention and management, and enhances mental health and longevity. Encouraging regular participation in running can thus be a cornerstone in promoting cardiorespiratory fitness and overall health.