How to start running

Week 9

Remember to warm up before running.

  series 1 series 2 series 3
  running marching running marching running marching
day 1 11 2 11 2 11 2
1-day break
day 2 11,5 1,5 11,5 1,5 11,5 1,5
1-day break
day 3 11,5 1 11,5 1 11,5 1
2-day break

If you manage to complete the entire day, you can safely proceed to the next one. If you are having a bad day and cannot run the entire training, it will be better for you to repeat the training after a day’s break. There is no need to hurry – regularity is more important than results.


Understanding Muscle Engagement During Running

Running is a complex physical activity that engages numerous muscle groups throughout the body, facilitating coordinated movement and endurance. From your core muscles stabilizing your body to your leg muscles propelling you forward, understanding which muscles are activated during running and how can help optimize performance and prevent injuries. Let's delve into the intricate biomechanics of running and explore the muscle groups that are predominantly engaged during a run.

Lower Body Muscles


The quadriceps, located at the front of your thighs, play a crucial role in running by extending your knee and helping to lift your leg forward during each stride. These muscles absorb the shock as your foot lands and assist in propelling your body forward.


The hamstrings, situated at the back of your thighs, work synergistically with the quadriceps to control leg movement. These muscles aid in bending the knee and extending the hip joint, contributing to the backward swing of your leg during running.


The calf muscles, comprising the gastrocnemius and soleus, are engaged during the push-off phase of running. These muscles help in flexing the ankle, enabling you to push off the ground with force, which facilitates forward movement.


The gluteal muscles, which include the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, are vital in maintaining hip stability and facilitating hip extension during running. These muscles help in controlling the pelvis and preventing excessive inward rotation of the hips, which can lead to injuries.

Upper Body Muscles

Back Muscles

The muscles of the back, particularly the latissimus dorsi and erector spinae, assist in maintaining an upright posture during running. These muscles help in stabilizing the spine and supporting the upper body, allowing for a more efficient running form.

Chest Muscles

The chest muscles, primarily the pectoralis major, are engaged during running to facilitate arm movement. While these muscles are not primary movers in running, their engagement helps maintain balance and rhythm, contributing to an effective running stride.

Shoulder Muscles

The shoulder muscles, including the deltoids, are actively involved in the swinging motion of the arms during running. These muscles help in coordinating arm swing with leg movement, which aids in maintaining momentum and balance during a run.

Core Muscles

Rectus Abdominis

The rectus abdominis, commonly known as the "abs," is engaged to stabilize the trunk during running. This muscle helps in maintaining an upright posture and assists in absorbing the impact forces generated during foot strikes.


The oblique muscles, situated at the sides of the abdomen, assist in controlling the rotation of the trunk during running. These muscles work to stabilize the core, allowing for better transfer of forces between the upper and lower body.

Erector Spinae

As part of the core group, the erector spinae muscles play a role in maintaining spinal alignment and stability during running. These muscles are crucial in preventing excessive forward lean, promoting an efficient running posture.

Arm Muscles


The biceps, located at the front of the upper arm, assist in bending the elbow during arm swing. While not primary movers, these muscles contribute to the rhythmic swinging of arms that complements leg movement.


The triceps, situated at the back of the upper arm, work to extend the elbow and facilitate the backward swing of the arms during running. These muscles help in generating momentum and maintaining a balanced running gait.

Feet and Ankle Muscles

Tibialis Anterior

The tibialis anterior, located at the front of the shin, is responsible for dorsiflexion of the ankle, allowing for controlled landing of the foot with each stride. This muscle helps in preventing foot slap and stabilizing the ankle during the landing phase of running.

Plantar Flexors

The plantar flexors, including the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, aid in pushing the foot off the ground during the propulsive phase of running. These muscles generate force necessary for forward movement and speed.


Running engages a diverse array of muscle groups, working harmoniously to facilitate movement, balance, and endurance. Understanding the roles of various muscles and how they are activated during running can aid in optimizing training regimens, enhancing performance, and reducing the risk of injuries. From the powerful quadriceps and gluteals facilitating forward propulsion to the stabilizing core muscles and rhythmic engagement of arm muscles, each plays a vital role in the complex biomechanics of running.

Moreover, being cognizant of the intricate muscle engagements can guide runners in incorporating complementary strength training exercises to bolster weak muscle groups, promoting a more balanced and injury-resistant physique. As runners strive to improve their form and performance, a deeper comprehension of the muscular dynamics involved in running serves as a foundation for a successful and healthy running journey.