How to start running

Week 6

Remember to warm up before running.

  series 1 series 2 series 3 series 4
  running marching running marching running marching running marching
day 1 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 2
1-day break
day 2 7,5 1,5 7,5 1,5 7,5 1,5 7,5 1,5
1-day break
day 3 8 1,5 8 1,5 8 1,5 8 1,5
2-day break

If you manage to complete the entire day, you can safely proceed to the next one. If you are having a bad day and cannot run the entire training, it will be better for you to repeat the training after a day’s break. There is no need to hurry – regularity is more important than results.


Deciphering the Ideal Running Frequency: A Comprehensive Guide

Running, one of the most primal and natural forms of exercise, can be a cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. However, when it comes to determining how often one should run, various factors come into play including personal goals, fitness levels, and individual health conditions. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the nuanced approach to setting an optimal running frequency.

Personalized Approach to Running Frequency

Running frequency is an individualized concept. While some may find solace and fitness in daily running, others might opt for a thrice-a-week schedule to balance with other forms of workouts. The primary aspect is to listen to your body and adjust your running frequency to align with your personal health and fitness goals.

Beginners: Taking Baby Steps

For those who are new to the running world, it's recommended to start slow to allow the body to adapt to the new form of exercise. Beginners might start with two to three running sessions per week, gradually increasing the frequency as their endurance and stamina build up. Incorporating rest days between running days can be beneficial to avoid injuries and burnout.

Intermediate Runners: Building Up the Momentum

Intermediate runners, who have built a certain level of endurance, might opt for a more frequent running schedule. Aiming for 3-5 days of running per week can provide a balanced approach, allowing room for cross-training and rest days to recover and rebuild muscles. It's vital at this stage to focus on a balanced regimen that includes strength training and flexibility exercises to complement the running routine.

Advanced Runners: Pushing the Boundaries

Advanced runners, often training for marathons or other running events, may find themselves running almost daily. In such cases, it is crucial to vary the intensity of the runs to prevent overuse injuries. Incorporating easy runs, tempo runs, and interval training within the weekly schedule can help in achieving a higher running frequency without compromising on recovery time.

Rest and Recovery: An Integral Part

Regardless of the frequency of running, it is imperative to prioritize rest and recovery. Proper rest between sessions helps in muscle recovery, preventing injuries, and ensuring a steady progress. Incorporating rest days, focusing on adequate sleep, and adopting recovery strategies like foam rolling can significantly complement a runner's routine, allowing for a higher frequency of running without adverse effects.

Listening to Your Body: The Golden Rule

The golden rule of determining running frequency is listening to your body. It's essential to adapt your running schedule according to how your body responds. If signs of fatigue, persistent soreness, or other discomforts appear, it might be a signal to reduce the running frequency and allow more time for recovery. Understanding your body's signals can guide you to set a running frequency that fosters growth and avoids burnout.

Consulting a Professional: A Wise Step

If you are uncertain about the right running frequency for you, consulting with a fitness professional can be a beneficial step. They can help design a personalized running plan that considers your fitness level, goals, and any underlying health conditions. This professional insight can prevent overtraining and help in establishing a running routine that encourages steady and safe progress.

Nutrition and Hydration: Supporting Your Running Routine

Adequate nutrition and hydration play a vital role in supporting an increased running frequency. A balanced diet that provides the necessary nutrients can fuel your runs and aid in recovery. Similarly, staying hydrated is essential to prevent cramps and optimize performance. Paying attention to these aspects can facilitate a higher running frequency by promoting overall well-being and preventing fatigue.


Determining the ideal running frequency is a nuanced process that depends on various individual factors. It's essential to approach it with a personalized perspective, considering your current fitness level, personal goals, and body signals. While beginners might benefit from a slower start, more experienced runners can experiment with higher frequencies, incorporating varied training styles to prevent monotony and injuries.

Remember, the quality of your runs often holds more significance than the quantity. Incorporating rest days, focusing on nutrition, and consulting with professionals can guide you to establish a running frequency that promotes health, enjoyment, and steady progress towards your running goals.

Through a balanced approach, you can find a running frequency that not only helps in achieving your fitness goals but also turns running into a sustainable and enjoyable part of your lifestyle. Happy Running!