How to start running

Week 11

Remember to warm up before running.

  series 1 series 2 series 3
  running marching running marching running marching
day 1 12,5 1 12,5 1 12,5 1
1-day break
day 2 19 2 19      
1-day break
day 3 19 1,5 19      
2-day break

If you manage to complete the entire day, you can safely proceed to the next one. If you are having a bad day and cannot run the entire training, it will be better for you to repeat the training after a day’s break. There is no need to hurry – regularity is more important than results.


Running Solo vs Running in Groups or Teams: A Comparative Analysis

Running, a ubiquitous sport and a cherished leisure activity, can often be categorized based on the preference of the runner - to run solo or to run with a group or team. Both modalities offer unique experiences and benefits. This analysis delves deep into the nuances of running solo versus running in groups or teams, helping enthusiasts to make informed decisions based on their personal goals and preferences.

Running Solo

Personal Space and Freedom

Running solo provides an opportunity for individuals to have a moment of solitude, away from the noise and demands of daily life. It allows for personal reflection, meditation, and the freedom to set one's pace without external influence.

Flexible Schedule

When running alone, individuals can set their own schedule without having to coordinate with others. This flexibility means that one can run at any time that suits them, making it easier to integrate running into a busy lifestyle.

Personalized Training

Solo running allows for a tailored training plan, where individuals can focus on their specific goals, whether it's improving speed, building endurance, or training for a particular race. It provides the liberty to modify the training regime as per one's current physical condition and aspirations.

Enhanced Focus and Concentration

Running alone can foster a heightened sense of focus and concentration. Without distractions, individuals can pay close attention to their running form, breathing patterns, and the feedback from their body, which can be instrumental in improving performance over time.


However, running solo can sometimes lead to loneliness, lack of motivation, and safety concerns, especially during long runs or in isolated areas. It may also limit opportunities for socialization and learning from other experienced runners.

Running in Groups or Teams

Community and Support

Running in groups or teams fosters a sense of community and camaraderie. It provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and build supportive relationships that can enhance the overall running experience.

Increased Motivation

Being a part of a group can boost motivation levels. The presence of others can encourage individuals to push their limits, stay consistent with their training, and strive to achieve their best performance.

Learning and Improvement

Group running allows for learning from others. Experienced runners can offer tips and guidance, helping individuals to improve their techniques, avoid common mistakes, and reach their potential more efficiently.

Safety and Security

Running in groups can offer an enhanced sense of safety and security, especially in unfamiliar or isolated areas. The collective presence can deter potential threats and provide assistance in case of injuries or emergencies.


On the flip side, group running can sometimes lead to peer pressure, competition, and a tendency to neglect one's personal pace and limits. Scheduling conflicts and differing fitness levels within a group can also pose challenges.


The choice between running solo and running in groups or teams is profoundly personal, influenced by an individual's personality, goals, and preferences. Solo running offers a tranquil escape, a chance to introspect, and the freedom to dictate one's pace and schedule. It is a meditative experience, fostering a deep connection between the mind and the body, facilitating personal growth and self-discovery.

Conversely, group running brings a social aspect to the sport, creating opportunities for community-building, mutual encouragement, and collective growth. It can serve as a source of motivation, learning, and enjoyment, adding a vibrant and dynamic dimension to the running experience.

Ultimately, the most important factor is to choose a format that aligns with one's individual needs and desires. For those who cherish solitude and flexibility, solo running could be the preferred choice. Meanwhile, individuals who thrive on social interactions and communal support might find greater fulfillment in group running.

Furthermore, there is always the option to mix both approaches, alternating between solo and group runs to enjoy the best of both worlds. This way, one can experience the tranquility and focus of solo runs while also benefiting from the motivation and camaraderie of group runs. It's a balanced approach that can cater to varied moods and objectives, offering a rich and fulfilling running experience.

As the running community continues to evolve, it embraces both solo runners and group enthusiasts, recognizing the unique contributions and experiences that each brings to the vibrant tapestry of the running world. Therefore, whether one chooses to run solo or with a group, the essence remains the same - a celebration of the joy of running, an exploration of personal boundaries, and a continual journey towards self-improvement and fulfillment.